The virtual environment manager for Python, with pip
and venv
pipx install pipenv
pip install pipenv
Create Virtual Environments
cd <project-dir>
pipenv --python <x.y>
# For example:
pipenv --python 3.11
# or default version:
pipenv --three
Remove Virtual Environments
pipenv --rm
Install Packages
pipenv install <pkg ...>
Install Packages for Development
pipenv install --dev <pkg ...>
Install All Packages
pipenv install
If you want to install a local setup.py
pipenv install -e .
Uninstall Packages
pipenv uninstall <pkg ...>
Uninstall Packages for Development
pipenv uninstall --dev <pkg ...>
Upgrade All Packages
pipenv update
pipenv run <python-cmd>
pipenv run python a.py
pipenv run django-admin startproject a
pipenv run python manage.py runserver
pipenv run uwsgi a.ini
Deploy a Project
pipenv sync
Use Mirror
pipenv --pypi-mirror https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ <cmd>