Representation of Dates and Times - ISO 8601 Format
- ISO 8601:1988
- ISO 8601:2000
- ISO 8601:2004
- ISO 8601-1:2019
- ISO 8601-2:2019
YYYY # eg. 2022
# `+`: AD = Anno Domini (公元)
# `-`: BC = Before Christ (公元前)
±YYYYY # eg. +2022
Calendar Date
Use Gregorian calendar.
YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD # eg. 2022-01-01 or 20220101
YYYY-MM (but not YYYYMM) # eg. 2022-01
Week Date
YYYY-Www or YYYYWww # eg. 2022-W01 or 2022W01
# D = [1-7], Monday to Sunday
YYYY-Www-D or YYYYWwwD # eg. 2022-W01-1 or 2022W011
There are several mutually equivalent and compatible descriptions of week 01:
- the week with the first business day in the starting year (considering that Saturdays, Sundays and 1st January are non-working days),
- the week with the starting year’s first Thursday in it (the formal ISO definition),
- the week with 4 January in it,
- the first week with the majority (four or more) of its days in the starting year, and
- the week starting with the Monday in the period 29 December - 4 January.
Ordinal Date
# DDD = [001-365] (366 in leap years).
YYYY-DDD or YYYYDDD # eg. 2022-365 or 2022365
# 'T': ISO 8601-1:2019 introduced
# 'hh' = [00-23]
# 'mm' = [00-59]
# 'ss' = [00-59], 60 for denoting an added leap second
# As of ISO 8601-1:2019 midnight may only be referred to as "00:00",
# Earlier versions of the standard allowed "24:00" corresponding to the end of a
# day, but this is explicitly disallowed by the 2019 revision.
hh:mm:ss.sss or Thhmmss.sss # eg. 12:00:00.123 or T120000.123
hh:mm:ss or Thhmmss # eg. 12:00:00 or T120000
hh:mm or Thhmm # eg. 12:00 or T1200
Thh # eg. T12
Time Zone Designators
Local time (unqualified)
TIME # eg. 14:45:15
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
The ‘Z’ suffix in the ISO 8601 time representation is sometimes referred to as “Zulu time” because the same letter is used to designate the Zulu time zone.
TIMEZ # eg. 14:45:15Z
Time offsets from UTC
"−05:00" for New York on standard time (UTC-05:00)
"−04:00" for New York on daylight saving time (UTC-04:00)
"+00:00" (but not "−00:00") for London on standard time (UTC±00:00)
"+02:00" for Cairo (UTC+02:00)
"+05:30" for Mumbai (UTC+05:30)
"+08:00" for China (UTC+08:00)
"+14:00" for Kiribati (UTC+14:00)
Combined date and time
DATETTIME # eg. 2022-01-02T14:30
DATETTIMEZ # eg. 2007-04-05T14:30Z
# 'P': duration designator (for period)
# 'Y': year designator
# 'M': month designator
# 'D': day designator
# 'T': time designator
# 'H': hour designator
# 'M': minute designator
# 'S': second designator
PnYnMnDTnHnMnS # eg. P3Y2M1DT10H0M0S = 3 years, 2 months, 1 day and 10 hours, ...
PnW # eg. P1W = one week
Time Interval
# Recurring time interval
Adoption as national standards
- United States: ANSI INCITS 30-1997 (R2008) and NIST FIPS PUB 4-2
- China: GB/T 7408-2005